
Yes to Support

“The Prayer and Care Team, as well as other ladies within the church, became aware of a need within our own congregation. The need was met with many obstacles and hurdles, but through prayer and God’s blessings, the team was able to come together and meet the needs. From food/meals and rides to financial help and packing boxes, the team poured their hearts and time into loving on and helping our sister in Christ and were able to secure her a safe place to live and provide continued support in the days ahead.”

Yes to Community

“Yes Church has blessed us in many ways- Drew’s preaching style is new, fresh, energetic and he always puts Jesus first. We are very blessed to have him serving at Yes. Adding Karl and T to the worship team has been another blessing. With Drew’s talents and the solid worship team our services are so awesome. We have as a church been very generous to several different groups in our community including Backstreet Ministries, Joco angels and others. All of the things we’ve mentioned above has moved us to give above our tithe. You can never out give The Lord. We have been blessed to be a part of this church.”

Luke 6:38 – “ Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

Yes to a New Start

“Having been through up’s and downs with our relationship and walk with Christ, our family had finally settled in at a local church where we felt loved, connected and were growing in our walk…then came the hurt. In the blink of an eye, it was gone. We were betrayed by the lead pastor of the multi -site movement and were tossed aside like salt with no flavor. The pain that caused and the destruction of relationships formed led to us leaving the church, lost and confused. We bounced around to several churches, seeking a home and a fill for the massive void that we had in our lives and our hearts, to no avail.

Fast forward, we came to Revolution to hear the guest pastor that was interviewing, whom we knew. We were very guarded and non-committal for weeks, yet continued to come solely to support Drew…then, out of our subconscious obedience, God landed us right here, right where he wanted us and right when he wanted us here. The love that surrounded us here, the connections and relationships formed happened so quickly that we knew we were finally home. Our relationship and submission to Christ has done nothing short of explode since we have been here. It is ironic that we said YES to where Jesus wanted us to be, reluctantly…we now carry the name YES church.

We are closer, stronger, more faith filled and fed than ever. We found our hope after the hurt right here…with you, our family. Thank God for you all and for this church!”

Yes to Transformation

“It all began with a crazy man who would jump into my car, as per our daily carpool ritual, and began his persistent presentation of why I needed to come to his family’s church. At the time it was called Revolution Church. Looking back now, the irony of that name and the “revolution” it would provoke in our lives is kind of wild. It was the worst year of my entire life! And if you knew my life, that’s quite the assertion! At the beginning of that year, I lost my father, my marriage dissolved, and my oldest child went to live with her father who had waged WAR on me by legal actions and psychological warfare on the girls. I was broken and really angry with GOD. I finally relented and texted, the couple who shall remain nameless, that my daughter and I would be coming to church. The moment I walked in I just knew I belonged. Coupled with their support, I regained my will to not only live, but to fight this evil that had attached itself to me and my family! Once I got my oldest child back, she started begrudgingly attending church and youth group. The transformation was amazing in both girls. We got our family back! God replaced the row of cotton balls I called a backbone, with reinforced steel! Every time I thought I’d fail, He brought me and my girls through every challenge.
Fast forward to now, I can honestly say I’m ashamed I doubted as hard as I did, but boy am I glad He never gave up on me and He sent some very special people in our lives to help carry us even when we couldn’t walk on our own. This church has been a crucial aspect of our success. The community, the love, the endless prayers… I’m so thankful that we said “YES”.”

Yes to Looking Forward

“My life now and for eternity has been saved! I was a Catholic girl who was threatened with hell if MY works were not enough for the priest to intercede on my behalf to Jesus. I ran away from the church and that Jesus as fast as I could. I found peace in all the wrong places…drugs, alcohol and surrounding myself with all of the wrong people became my comfort. During my darkest days, God sent me a family that would become my eventual introduction to the real Jesus.

After months upon months of saying “maybe next time” to every invitation to go to their church, I finally gave in, more so just to get them to stop inviting me.
Then it happened, I came with them and finally met the true Jesus and I have forever been changed! The immediate acceptance, love and connections that I have made here has been what I have been searching for, without even knowing it, for most of my life.

Take it a step further, the generosity of this church and the people here is unbelievable. As a single mom coming out of a horrible, abusive and destructive marriage, the financial burden was beyond tough. Just as I was getting on my feet right before thanksgiving, I was involved in an accident that totaled the very first car that I have ever bought on my own. This church and the generosity of my church family helped make the way for me and my son to have a brand new car that we can afford and to top it off, gifted us with the means to help put food on our table and for my son to have an amazing Christmas…mind you, I never even asked. You saw a need and filled it. Talk about a church leading by Christ’s example!
I can’t even begin to tell you how grateful I am and how much we love you all and this church! I experienced ALL of this because of a simple invitation to come meet Jesus. I eventually said YES to what God has next and I’m not looking back!”